Our Swing Bed Program is a treatment program designed to get patients back to their home environment safely. Our MCB Swing Bed Program is the best option when acute hospitalization is no longer necessary but the patient is not physically ready to return to their home.
Our caring staff will provide individualized treatment to assist the patient in reaching their maximum rehabilitation potential. Our Swing Bed Program is specifically designed to help patients regain their independence and bring them back up to a level of health so that they can return home confidently and safely.
Who Needs Rehabilitative Care?
Examples include:
Patients with generalized weakness
Patients who had knee, hip, and other joint replacement
Patients who need rehabilitation after vascular, abdominal, and other surgical services
Patients who need to recover after a major accident
Patients who need rehabilitation after a stroke or a heart attack
Patients who require IV medication therapy
Patients who need wound care
Patients who require physical therapy
Why Choose Medical Center Barbour's Swing Bed Program?
It's close to home
You'll be receiving care from the physicians who understand what treatment you need
There are fewer disruptions and is continuity in care during the healing process.